Monday, July 23, 2018

I'm Pretty Tight

Man, piano and voice are such separate ways of thinking at time. I literally have to give myself a 30-60 minute break between practice sessions just to give my brain a chance to switch gears. One is physio-psychological based approach to controlling my body to make it an instrument, the other is manipulating an instrument based on what the writing on the paper tells me to do.  

It's great learning both. And I regret not maintaining the discipline I had the first 2 weeks of the semester. However, I had adderall available those weeks, and I wasn't having my sleep so disrupted by the neighbors upstiars.  

But now I'm at the point where I found a nice flow in the daily to set up a good time to practice, and a good space to practice, after getting a small keyboard for the home, and memorizing my new neighbors schedule to have a good time to sing.  

As far as my creative concerns go, I'm slowly getting ideas to come back. Getting some exercise helped a lot when I jogged, and so did rapping with people online, and forcing myself to rap lol.  

Still want to get back into singing mode. I guess I feel like I dont want to keep creating, because I'm so concerned about the songs I'm sitting on, that I don't want to give myself more songs piled up to work on, because I already have plenty. I'll get on that another day.  

The Drake song I'm singing in voice just isn't working out. My voice just isn't hitting the notes there and making it sound good. It's such a flat uninteresting sound. Even when I practice I'm pretty off key.  

We will see what happens cause I already went over this enough to day.   

Monday, July 16, 2018

Before The Ambien Hits

This is more of a check-in than anything: 

Feeling off, but also more relaxed. 

Playing a lil bit of games was a relief. I immediately felt more relaxed, need to have a similar outlet if I can find what it serves me and how to recreate it. 

I feel like my weed smoking is getting in the way. I'm not sharp. When I had my lil bit of adderall it helped, now it just makes me cloudy, hazy. I wanna get out of this fog cause it hinders my motivation, which hinders how much time I spend on music. 

I noticed I'm in a waay better mood when I get my little hit of weed in the morning, but man, I get like zero time to myself sober. I'm thinking of at least trying to make it to the end of school to smoke.   

- Dont Smoke Til School is Done
- Medications and short walk down the street
- Do PT immediately
- Pack lunch
- Breakfast/Juice at Co-Op
- Review what we are learning that day
- Piano Hand Warmups

- Smoke If Needed
- Take Short Walk or Lunch Break    3
- Practice Piano 30-40 min
- Practice Singing 30-40 min
- Get Extra Reading and HW Done at Main Campus
- Spend 1 hour on a music project

- Start bedtime ritual at 9
- Get clothes and stuff ready before bed
- Review To do List
- Shower and Shave
- Pray for Forgiveness, Love, And Discipline

- Make Plans for Fri/Sat

- Morning at the Spa
- Lunch at Spa
- Get Massage if Needed
- Acupuncture at 1pm
- Go to Nearby Library, Office, Etc.
- Take Care of Calls/Appts
- Handle Shit On Linoit Lists
- Any Online Stuff
- Any homework due
- 30 min Vocal Practice
- Pickup Weed
- Dre's World 


- Morning Walk + PT
- Wash Car
- Groceries
- Breakfast + Smoke (If around Mom)
- Review Weekend Plans
- Clean up and Chores and Help Mom
- Leave house for at least 4 hours. Do something that day.
- Practice Piano 30 min
- Practice Warmup and Song
- 4 hours in Dre's World 


- Morning Walk + PT
- Wash Car / Groceries
- Meditation Class or Audiobook Drive
- Leave hours for 4 hours. 
- Dre's World
- SPAA Meeting at 6.30 
- Make plans for Week
- Review Work and Homework

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Fuckin Up

Fucked up my opera peformance today. Same reason I fucked up my piano one.

I get excited and think ahead. Or I'm so into the performance aspect that I lose my technique and forget repetoire.

Reminds me of my dance days where I would completely fuck up a lot of performances because I got too excited and jumped too high that led to a fall, or threw someone too hard, spun too fast, danced too hard and ran out of breath, etc.

It's very frustrating. Not because the feeling is new, but because it's one I'm way too familiar with.

I was watching my favorite lyricist and battle rapper Danny Myers give tips on having good performances. He honed in on memorizing your lines and being well rehearsed. He said you should be thinking about your lines in your head all day every. It should be so ingrained in your head that you wake up reciting your bars. That you can spit when you are sleepy, sad, sick, happy, whener.

He stressed that choking is simply unacceptable. Because whether or not someone knows the lyrics, once someone chokes, the battle is automatically lost. There's no real recovery from that. Your performance is fucked, and done.

I also get frustrated cause I got a lot on the line. I'm not doing this for fun. I'm at the end of my rope and its do or die in this entertainment shit, cause I'm already too late and I fucked up a lot of opportunities elsewhere, so theres a lot of underlying pressure circulating my progress.

I'm not really mad that I choked, I'm mad that I wasted all this time learning the piece, memorizing it, performing it over and over, and perfecting it, just to completely fucked it up when it actually mattered. I might as well have not even bothered learning it in the first place.

But taking responsibility for this, I shouldn't have got lost into the performance aspect, and should have learned from my piano class fuckup.

I took the day off yesterday because I haven't been getting any sleep. I slept in, and I completely wasted the day doing jack shit except for rehearsing it a few times before I went to bed. And since I was feeling so well-rested, I stayed up until 3 am.

Then I woke up pissed off about some shit, already tired and sleep deprived, vocals feeling like crap. Felt hazy all morning, jaw tight from grinding all night, and I just failed, so thats that.

I'm mad at myself I didn't take care of myself on my day off. Didn't work on music or practice or nothin.

I don't know what to do. I can go back to the piano rooms and practice but I feel like smashing the fuck out of them. I wanna socialize and distract myself since I been in class mode for 6 hours straight, but I still need to practice.

I also got other heavy shit on my mind thats getting in the way.


Back in the day when I would journal, before the demons took over my life, I would create a positive catharsis at the end, so here's an attempt: 

It's good that I'm making these mistakes at school and I am in a safe environment where these mistakes won't have huge negative conseqeunces on my life on career. They call this a learning envornment for a reason and one of the things I have to learn is to stay focus. My Adhd already caused my catastrophic injury and it will cause more catostrophic failure if i dont learn to channel it. Perhaps if I can stop smoking so much and finally get on the right medication, concentration wont be such a challenge, and the only way ill get there is to keep pushing forward. 

The gods will see that I care and the hard work that I'm doing, and no effort will go unrewarded. It is the fruits of persistance that are the sweetest and juiciest. My time spent learning dance will somehow return to server me, and that all the time I spent rotting away in my room will simply be washed away as I shine forward and share my light with tthis world. I will explode into light as I illuminate myself from within, and shine upon the world around me. I'll calm this anger and ego trying to control everything, and allow things to be. Acceptance will help me more than perfectionism. Forgiveness will help me more thanvengeance. Love will help me more than hate. 

But I still need money, so unless I have that, does anything else I'm saying even mean anything? Or will doing the right thing bring it into my life? I hope the latter

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Still Didn't Win

Performance I did in music class was a trainwreck. I said it was due to nervousness, but honestly I just didn't know the lyrics. I jumped the gun cause I was trying to force myself into the situation, sort of like what I would do in dance, and force my brain to pick it up. But now I'm older, and this is also a new art form for me, so I should spend more energy on preparation.

After class I went straight to the practice room and drilled it into memory. 

At night I went to an improv event. It's like an open mic improv that's a nonstop concert. Great house band and people come up and sing.

MY last performance there a year ago went really really bad. And I get deep feelings of shame and self hate every time I think of it. So I decided to go back and replace that memory with a successful performance.

I invited some friends, including a rapper I met online, and we hung out at the improv. I can't say I was nervous, as much as I was confused. I didn't know how to navigate the situation. Last time I was there I just stood next to the stage until someone passed me the microphone. But this time there was a crowd next to the stage and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to wait in line behind them or jump on the stage, or what. 

The music also made me nervous cause there were very good and well trained vocalists singing up there, and singing song the audience knew, and i was apprehensive of getting up there and doing my think cause my style was so different. 

My own thoughts hold me back, and my lack of willingness to take charge of the stage. I mean, I do it in safe environemtns like school, but being on the stage with the lights shining on you, and everyone wanting a good show. It's something I still haven't been able to do. I'm not a confident performer yet. 

I feel like I let all of my friends down. They all wanted to see me perform, especially my friend Dkwon who came solely to support me. I was the leader in that situation, the alpha, and I bitched out and failed to deliver. I honestly feel like a complete loser. I can tell one of my friend was upset cause he left without saying bye. I just feel like a failure. I still havent had a good performance at that spot, nor have I had a performance that was successful to my own standards, except 2 poems I performed at an open mic. 

Poetry is easy to me though. I want to rap. I want people to see my gift and talents with rapping and music. But I just haven't been able to break out my shell. I had this same problem with dance, and somehow I conquered it. It's hard when you just rap by yourself in your room all the time, and then have to take it to the stage in front of a lot of people. And then I freeze up and my freestyle sucks. 

I know the only solution is to keep doing it and get comfortable in that environment, and face my fcears.  And eve nthough I have all t his talents, I dont know. Today I failed, but maybe tomorrow will be a better day. 

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Stay All Day Feedback

party pooper-Today at 8:58 PM

this is peak andre/surf rap, agreed?
or you think some of your other ones were better

Dirty God-Today at 8:58 PM

i actually dont like the song :frowning:
the hook is badly done and i dont think the vocals are that great
i tried to re record again but it wasnt happening

party pooper-Today at 8:58 PM

interesting, i could see this having broad appeal

Dirty God-Today at 8:58 PM

i wanna give it one more shot
buth then its like
i need to move on to other shit

party pooper-Today at 8:59 PM


Dirty God-Today at 8:59 PM

i made this in june 2017
and some other idiot mixed it
but everyone i played it for said it was fine :kanyeshrug:

ClydeBOT-Today at 8:59 PM

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Dirty God-Today at 8:59 PM

except my voice teacher

party pooper-Today at 8:59 PM

yea it's not mixed great but that kinda works?

Dirty God-Today at 8:59 PM

im a perfectionist

party pooper-Today at 8:59 PM


Dirty God-Today at 8:59 PM

i might try to re record this week
it just sounds sloppy to me

party pooper-Today at 9:00 PM

dirty hardest on himself

Dirty God-Today at 9:00 PM

but then its like, is me cleaning it up gonna make any difference in my music career?
bro everything i been putting out sounds professional and clean
like, the effort reads better

party pooper-Today at 9:00 PM

maybe the irony will be the shitty one blows up
that's life sometimes

Dirty God-Today at 9:01 PM


party pooper-Today at 9:01 PM

i dont think it will affect your career's trajectory one way or the other
if someone grills you over the quality just say listen to any other tracks
you just need to be making more
i can understand not wanting to release half baked ideas thogh

Dirty God-Today at 9:03 PM

its sort of a thing of
high quality material
i didnt take all these fucking mixing tutorials for nothing
its like
if u can make something better
why not?
idk im just highly perfectionistic
i need a manger or buddy to tell me to drop shit and moveo n

party pooper-Today at 9:05 PM

right it's about weighing opportunity costs. time bringing the B- track to A+ versus spending making an A+ track from the bottom up

Dirty God-Today at 9:06 PM

the beat also isnt that great

party pooper-Today at 9:06 PM

why did you release this shit man

Dirty God-Today at 9:06 PM

like its okay
but to make it an A+ i need better beat

party pooper-Today at 9:06 PM

was it a trap

Dirty God-Today at 9:06 PM

because its decent
everyone else told me to just drop it

party pooper-Today at 9:06 PM

like if someone says they like it, you know not to trust their opinion :wink:

Dirty God-Today at 9:06 PM

i been sitting on it for a year
but i been asking people who tell me when my shit is wack
i think beyond all the techinical issues
the melody and hook is catchy
and it has a nice vibe
which outshines everything else
idk i might re record this week i will see
im bout to memorize a battle so i can shoot the vid next weekend
and move on to more tracks

party pooper-Today at 9:09 PM

shoot the vid?
you're recording your battle verse in a video?

Dirty God-Today at 9:10 PM

im gonna memorize and polish that last battle i sent u, and do a video
both to exhibit my battle bars, and to practice
cause lets be honest nobody gonna listen to that shit on soundcloud
and i wanna practice my body language etc

party pooper-Today at 9:13 PM

but it should really be one of those bad videos where the lyrics/words are represented by stock photos and badly drawn stick figures

Dirty God-Today at 9:15 PM

i was gonna do that
but i wanna show off my body language
and performance skills
ill do the lyric image videos for diss songs

party pooper-Today at 9:16 PM

bout to get flown out to canada and become reigning champion of kotd

Dirty God-Today at 9:16 PM

but i sort of want to show prospective people that wanna book me how engaging my body language is i guess

party pooper-Today at 9:16 PM

good points

Dirty God-Today at 9:16 PM

even tho ill prolly just look like a fool
and scrap the whole project

party pooper-Today at 9:16 PM

damn dirty
i didnt know you had these inner battles with your creative output

Dirty God-Today at 9:17 PM

at this point
i accept that shit will sometimes need to be scrapped or redone
that OUT track took a lot of hard work
had to keep rewriting, re-memorizing, and rehearsing
then i did like 3 diff recording sessions til i found a voice i liked
probably like 9-10 hours of recording total
its frustrating
but i ask myself
"What Would Drake Do?"
and my imaginary drake friend, would tell me to suck it up and nail it

party pooper-Today at 9:19 PM

if music is your life/passion, makes sense

Dirty God-Today at 9:19 PM

at this point i kinda decided i wanna be an entertainer
thats what i wanna do
i wanna perform for thousands
and be a superstar
so i gonna make a lot of changes and really get focused
is kotd canada bassed?

party pooper-Today at 9:22 PM

maybe they do some regional US events but yeah it's from toronto
what's your process for forming a battle response

Dirty God-Today at 9:26 PM

i collect random bars i have and put them in a document
build rhyme schemes around them
have them lead into other bars or punchlines if i can
and throughout my day think of bars that have to do with the opponents name
and mix them all in
its a pretty sloppy process
a lot of cutting out bars cause they dont fit
or they were cohesive with the piece as a whole

party pooper-Today at 9:28 PM

so what's harder, song writing or battle writing

Dirty God-Today at 9:34 PM

in terms of like
rhyme patterns, clever punchlines, etc
battle rapping of course
but when i think of songwriting i think of like
i was listening to that song Rude Boy
and that songwriting is amazing
I wanna be able to write songs like that
Pop Hits
Club Hits
Honestly man I have the deep fear in me
that I missed my chance to blow up
I cant dance like I used to, I'm going bald, my face is aging fast
my voice is getting older
and I'm not as creative anymore
I cant think of cool lines and stuff like I was a year ago
maybe its because I was constantly practicing with you guys online
but i dont have anyone i rap with anymore
so i never really practice my skills
and the only time i work on music, im working on old shit
so like, ive been concerened with my ability to compose new shit
cause i dont get into these highly creative manic states anymore
nor do i really exercise my creativity that much
but maybe its cause i need to progress and challenge myself creatively
and be around the right environment
instead of just alone in my room
like emotionally i feel dull ass well
damn i wrote a lot, should have saved that for the blog

party pooper-Today at 9:38 PM

damn man, this is all news to me because it seems like you have a lot of output in the last half year
i mean "a lot" being relative
to when i first knew of you

Dirty God-Today at 9:39 PM

yeah i was on fire back then
but maybe cause i was excited, rapping every day with people, etc
a lot of my songs, i thought of in freestyle chat
while just messing around

party pooper-Today at 9:39 PM

that's cool, so you really do thrive from your surrounding envrionment

Dirty God-Today at 9:39 PM

yeah i guess

party pooper-Today at 9:40 PM

did anything come from that sesh with me and kale lol

Dirty God-Today at 9:40 PM

but hhd is dead for rapping now, no good rappers get on anymore
not yet
the producer hit me up and asked if i made it yet
and apparently he's also one of yeezys beatmakers
so i need to follow up
but i just cant think of shit like i used to
idk theres probably other moving pieces
i need to go more places and be around other creatives and get into the zone
maybe get sober cause i feel like i smoked myself retarded
but i never told anyone this shit
idk why im talking about it

party pooper-Today at 9:43 PM

hah smoked yourself retarded
it's chill dude. happy to listen
i know i am not here around enough to give timely responses
but i'll get back ya eventually
it seems like you've got many forces pulling and pushing
general depression too i guess?
anxiety as well
i think if you can linked to an inperson community, it would be really great for you

Dirty God-Today at 9:46 PM

i actually pretty emotionally stable lately, but yeah i have a shit ton of underlying stress and sadness i sort of self-medicate to avoid i guess
it all comes up when i get sober
and i just realized i might have an anxiety problem
idk i get a SHIT TON of anxiety about certain things
but i just deal with it i guess
like i do deep breathing and visualization in those situations
especially performing
my heart rate skyrockets when i think of imperfect performances i did
the doctor said my blood pressure is too high too
but idk, right now im just trying to maintain
taking music classes, leave the house daily,
stop playing video games
eventually i want to cut out the weed, but i dont think i can
but its my biggest set back

party pooper-Today at 9:48 PM

sounds like you've got a good action plan/are actually following through on it, good job man

Dirty God-Today at 9:48 PM

also just being 29 living with mom with no other family and no money is pretty shitty
thanks bro
i guess thats what the "Surf Rap" style really is
its inspired by that shoegaze/dreampop indie style
with bright colors, yet desaturated
A sort of "whatever" type of feel
like a "my life is terrible but what can you do but try to be happy?" sort of style
dark lines thrown in on very happy production
repetitive flows that seem to go on and on

Realization and Reversions

2pm At office but AC is broken so very hot Heart beating fast, tired feeling Smoked 1/4 of a joint in the car Face sinus area twitching Just...